Life is good - English speaker welcome!

Life is good - English speaker welcome!

I am 33 years old and I am a flight attendant since 10 years. I am originally from Austria (Vienna), but my base at work is in Munich/Germany. I go to the US a lot for work but also when I am off. I am off every 2nd month at the moment and normally travel to meet up with old or new friends. Of course it would be much nicer, to travel with that special person. :-) I like going out but I also like having quiet evenings, especially when I come home from long flights. Thats when I like to relax with a cup of tea (I really like Chai Tea). I like to make surprises for the person I am with, just to make him smile every day. By the way, I can also cook :-) Feel free to ask me anything you would like to know more about.


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